Welcome to ASK DR IVY J

Your Trusted Partner in
Medical Marijuana
Evaluations and Prescription Assistance

ASK DR IVY J : Who We Are

We at Ask Dr Ivy J, are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals seeking medical marijuana licenses. Our mission is to offer expert guidance and support throughout the process of obtaining a medical marijuana license, ensuring that each patient receives the personalized attention they deserve.

Our team, led by experienced medical professionals, specializes in conducting thorough medical marijuana evaluations. We understand that navigating the world of medical marijuana can be complex and confusing. That’s why we’re here to simplify the process, providing clear, evidence-based advice tailored to your unique health needs.

askdrivyj medical marijuana

Medical Staff

Meet our Medical Marijuana healthcare professionals


Choose your State. We currently serve Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Ohio.

Schedule Now

Call, Email or Schedule Online Now

Dosing Support

Give us a Call if you need guidance on usage, recommendation or consultations.

How We Assist
Medical Marijuana Patients


Find Out If You Qualify

In order to be treated by our specialist physicians, a patient must be

Fill out and submit the Qualifying Form to see if you are eligible for a Medical Marijuana Card.


Initial Appointment

Fill out and submit the Health Questionnaire at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment

Schedule your initial Medical Marijuana appointment by Online Calendar, Phone or Email and pay the appointment fee to secure your slot. If you do not have a qualifying condition for medical marijuana, we will issue a full refund.

We will review your complete medical history in detail and if medical marijuana is the right choice for your health needs, Dr. Ivy J. or a member of our medical team will provide a recommendation for a medical marijuana license.


Pick Up or Order Your Medical Marijuana Recommendation

Pick Up or Order Your Medical Marijuana Recommend- ation

With your recommendation in hand, the next step is to register with your State’s Medical Marijuana Program.

Once you have your medical marijuana card, you can visit any state-licensed dispensary or order online. It’s important to use medical marijuana exactly as recommended by our medical team.

If you need assistance with the registration process or you have questions about your treatment, need guidance on usage, or require further medical consultations; Give us a call, email, or schedule your appointment.

Join Us in Your Journey to
Health and Wellness